Section: New Results


In parallel with mainstream research activities, Linkmedia has a number of contribtions in other domains based on the expertise of the team members.

One-step time-dependent future video frame prediction with a convolutional encoder-decoder neural network

Participants : Guillaume Gravier, Christian Raymond, Vedran Vukotić.

Joint work with Silvia-Laura Pintea and Jan Van Gemert (TU Delft, The Netherlands).

There is an inherent need for autonomous cars, drones, and other robots to have a notion of how their environment behaves and to anticipate changes in the near future. In this work, we focus on anticipating future appearance given the current frame of a video. Existing work focuses on either predicting the future appearance as the next frame of a video, or predicting future motion as optical flow or motion trajectories starting from a single video frame. This work stretches the ability of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to predict an anticipation of appearance at an arbitrarily given future time, not necessarily the next video frame. We condition our predicted future appearance on a continuous time variable that allows us to anticipate future frames at a given temporal distance, directly from the input video frame. We show that CNNs can learn an intrinsic representation of typical appearance changes over time and successfully generate realistic predictions at a deliberate time difference in the near future [34].

About zero bit watermarking error exponents

Participant : Teddy Furon.

This work aims to motivate more research works on the design of zero-bit watermarking schemes by showing an upper bound of the performances that known solutions failed to reach. To this end, an upper bound of error exponent characteristic is derived by translating Costa's rationale to zero-bit watermarking with side information. Three schemes are then considered: the dual-cone detection region originally proposed by Cox et al. and improved in Merhav et al. papers, ISS (Improved Spread Spectrum), and ZATT (Zero Attraction). It turns out that in certain conditions the latter performs better than the first one, which questions the optimality claimed Merhav et al. Nevertheless, the main conclusion is that these schemes are in general far away from the upper bound in the region of practical interest [23].